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Cat Abscess Wound Treated with Vetgold Cream

Condition Superficial dermatitis on the ventral thorax and abdomen

Treatment  Antibiotic treatment and VetGold Cream

Presentation and History
An 8-year-old female neutered West Highland White Terrier dog presented with severe pruritic lesions on the ventral abdomen and thorax. No previous history of skin complaint was noted. The owner reported that the dog started scratching, nibbling, and biting herself for the past 2-3 days.

Clinical Examination and Investigation
The dog appeared responsive and alert. Body condition and general coat quality were good. Full clinical examination was within normal parameters. Examination of the ventral abdomen and thorax revealed multifocal hyperaemic and ulcerated skin lesions, varying in size and severity. Impression smears were taken from the lesions for microscopical examination.
A predominant population of cocci bacteria was detected, which were presumed to be staphylococcus infections. Some Malassezia were present in the microscopic field.
Due to their low number, it was considered non-significant findings.

The affected area was shaved and cleaned Cephalosporin antibodies were given at a dosage rate of  /kg twice daily orally for 14 days and VETGOLD cream was applied topically three times a day on the affected skin. No steroids were given.

Problem List / Differential Diagnosis
Contact dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis

Follow-up Examination and Outcome
At a one-week follow-up examination, the dog appeared clinically well. The skin lesions at the ventrum healed completely with very little scar formation. The dog was not scratching and tolerated the VETGOLD cream application very well. The owner reported that initially, the dog licked the area after application but soon stopped and further applications were not associated with over licking and disturbance of the cream layer.

Superficial dermatitis is a very common presentation in dogs and cats. The causes of itchy and inflamed or infected skin are vast and it is not the intention of this case report to explore all the possible causes for this type of presentation but merely report the efficiency of VETGOLD as an adjunct treatment for Staphylococcal dermatitis and possibly other forms of dermatitis. These lesions are typically inflamed, infected, and occasionally ulcerated. These are mostly very pruritic. Many types of symptomatic and supportive treatments and various treatment combinations are available. In many of the treatment options, steroids in one form or another are commonly used to reduce inflammation and skin irritation. Depending on the primary cause of the pruritic skin lesions (flea and sarcoptic mange infestation for example), the main initial treatment is often symptomatic. In cases where lesions are recurrent or nonresponsive to initial therapy, a more detailed investigation would be indicted. In this case, there is no previous history of any skin complaint. The general coat quality was very good. No parasitic infestation was diagnosed and an impression smear from the lesions revealed a population of cocci. Given the clinical history, it was decided to treat the lesions without initial consideration for a detailed dermatological workup.
The Pruritus, edema, and hyperemia of the skin healed very rapidly without the use of any steroidal anti-inflammatories but only topical VETGOLD cream and antibiotics. Furthermore, after one week the skin appeared smooth, and soft with a very little scar and no scales. The rate of healing of these lesions seems to be enhanced when compared with other treatment combinations. It is somewhat subjective and may be open for debate. The quality of healing however is rather impressive, which leaves less room for interpretations.

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